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Cascadian Botany

Native and Invasive Plant Identification
in Portland, Oregon, Cascadia

Contact us to book a visit:
(503) 240-0260

We are open:
11am to 6pm Pacific Time
Monday through Sunday

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colorful orange Madrona berries autumn Cooper Mountain


What we charge (anticipated fees):

Locations within our normal service area:
$25 (half hour) or $40 (one hour)

Locations outside of our normal service area
are $10 more to cover fuel and time:
$35 (half hour) or $50 (one hour)

To extend any appointment by 30 minutes:
Add $15 (half hour)

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Payment Options

We accept:
PayPal (use our email address), or
Zelle through your bank (use our email or phone number).
We will be able to accept Venmo and CashApp shortly.

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Our goal is to make our services affordable and accessible to all. Future pricing structure will also include a pay-it-forward option if you are in a position of financial stability and abundance, so that we can continue to offer some appointments free-of-charge to members of our community.

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bounded area AND 10-mile service area MAP

Areas Served

Our focus is on North and closer-in Northeast Portland, Oregon.
Our normal service area includes locations in green on the map.
We will travel up to a 10-mile radius from 97217, shown in light blue.
We do not currently serve addresses that are further than the 10-mile radius.

The boundaries or our normal service area are:
South of the Columbia River,
North of the I-84 Freeway,
East of the Willamette River,
and West of the I-205 Freeway.

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FREE services

We are offering this service for FREE until 31 July 2022
for our BIPOC and refugee neighbors in North and closer-in Northeast Portland.

This is a trial and soft opening, and will initially run until the end of July 2022 to gauge the response.
Initial priority to self-identified BIPOC and refugees, especially those with no/low income who are gardening newbies.
Let us know if you would like to take advantage of heritage recognition, reparations, the cultural discount offer, or any other way you would feel comfortable describing this opportunity.
No proof, stories, or explanation is required or needed.
Our intention is to offer free appointment slots for Indigenous people into the future after this trial period, and sliding scale options as well. There will also be a pay-it-forward option for those who would like to sponsor more of these bookings.

Why are we doing this for free?
Acknowledging that cultivating and sharing knowledge about culturally-relevant plants has deep ethical implications and obligations, and that capitalism has intersections with inequality, colonialism, and racism, we are extending discounted prices for our services to those individuals which share the historical, cultural, and tribal heritage of this place.

This is a mutually beneficial and enjoyable way we can sharpen our skills, hone the process, and share knowledge to give back to our community - particularly those that have been historically disadvantaged, or who are experiencing hardship or ongoing systemic racism.
We will offer this as a paid service to the broader community starting Summer 2022.

Although we do have transportation, educational, and some material expenses, your visit really is free!
Tips or donations are not expected but graciously accepted if you are able.

If you are in a position of financial stability and abundance, we would deeply appreciate a full price payment for our work, or choosing a pay-it-forward option, as we continue to struggle through the pandemic.

We recognize this is land-based work on Native land which we are not indigenous to, thus we offer these limited free appointments to Native people especially from the Cascadian bioregion, along with other BIPOC and refugees.

Thank you

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green huckleberry leaves and blue huckleberries

Cascadian Botany
P.O. Box 17656
Portland, OR 97217-0656

(503) 240-0260

11am to 6pm Pacific Time
Monday through Sunday
cascadianbotany (at)

Services | Pricing & Service Area
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Website created by Erica Skadsen on 2 February 2022
©Organic LLC dba Cascadian Botany 2022